Michigan Man Joins Circuit Court Zoom Hearing Shirtless
This is not an SNL skit. This guy really joined his court hearing topless.
The human race has found ways to adapt during the Covid-19 pandemic. It really is amazing what we can do from home that would haven't been unthinkable just two years ago. However, there are people that are, let's say, doing it wrong. For example, on Monday, Feb. 22nd the 18th Judicial Circuit Court for the state of Michigan conducted one of their many Zoom hearings. On this day, a man logged into Zoom for his hearing in very comfortable, or almost no attire. The funniest part of the video for me is when Michael Wright joins and is walking around his home showing lots of skin and Judge Joeseph K Sheeran slowly mumbles the words, "you're...you're naked?!"
You can see the hilarious moment at about 2:41 in the video below.

My second favorite moment is less than a minute later when the judge tells Mr. Wright, "I'm going to give you an opportunity to go put some clothes on." As the topless man's device is now pointed toward the ceiling while he puts clothing on, there's the long, awkward moment where everyone on the call has a similar, confused look on their faces. Wright's hearing was regarding a child support case in Bay County.
Some people feel very comfortable when working from home. Some might say, too comfortable. Actor Jason Sudeikis accepted his Golden Globe award via Zoom Sunday Night in a tie-dye hoodie. In fact, many speculate he was high on life at the time. Well, high on something.
Please remember, next time you're on a work video call to dress appropriately. It's not for us, it's for you. You're welcome America.
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