Michigan Senate Sides With Pit Bulls
Dog lovers in Michigan rejoice. Banning a dog due to his/her breed is not allowed according to the Michigan Senate.
As a lover of dogs that has 2 Pit Bulls as part of his family, I think this is great news. Dogs like Pit Bulls are frequently banned from apartments, parks and other places that Golden Retrievers and other dogs that are deemed "non-threatening" are accepted.
The Michigan Senate said no to that according to WWMT,
The chamber voted 22-13 on Thursday to prohibit local governments from dictating breed-specific regulations on dogs. The legislation will benefit canines that are perceived as more aggressive — mostly pit bulls, but also Rottweilers, German Shepherds and Cane Corsos. About 30 local governments have some form of breed-specific ordinances, which supporters of the bill say encroaches on dog owners' property rights. Targeting specific breeds is also not an effective approach to dog bite prevention, they say. A 2014 American Veterinary Medical Association report says pit bulls are not disproportionately dangerous.
Katie Timber, Executive Director of the SPCA of Southwest Michigan gave us this statement,
Please Leave Pitbulls Alone, Infact please leave all bully breeds alone.
Today is a great day and we are proud of our state senate! There is not yet any evidence that breed specific laws make communities any safer. Breed specific laws are costly and difficult to enforce. In states where BSL has passed dogs suffer. Pet owners don’t want to give up their dogs and attempt to avoid detection , forgoing licensing and care. This has negative impact on both the mental and physical health of dogs and our community. These harmful laws ensure the destruction of otherwise adoptable dogs and shelters by affecting our ability to adopt.
I feel comfortable arguing that whether or not breed could even be accurately used in predicting whether or not a dog is dangerous.
If you’re interested in adopting or being a pit bull, advocate please contact The SPCA of Southwest Michigan.
The fight to protect the rights of dog owners isn't over. This bill now makes it's way to the House.
What do you think of the Senate's decision? Do you think it's ok to have breed-specific bans in Michigan?
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