Michigan Sheriff Pleading With Criminals To Stop Committing Crimes For A Few Months
An overwhelmed sheriff in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is asking criminals in his county to give them a break. That sheriff is Michael D, Bitnar from Chippewa County. Chippewa County is located west of Interstate 75 and south of Sault Ste. Marie.
Sheriff Bitnar made his request on the county sheriff’s Facebook page. He stated that:
Due to the overwhelming work load on our local Law Enforcement here in Chippewa County, I would ask you to please give us the opportunity to catch up. We need a few months with NO criminal activity or emergencies to respond to.

Since he asked so politely I wonder if the criminals in his county might just feel sorry enough for the “overwhelmed” police and give them a 2-month break. Remember the old saying that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar? Perhaps these criminals will appreciate the very nice way in which he asked and stop their crimes for a short period.
What crimes is the sheriff asking they “please stop”? He gave us a list and they are:
“1- Stop drinking and driving (or under the influence of drugs)
2- Stop the domestic and sexual assaults
3- Stop stealing or embezzling from your place of work
4- Stop selling drugs
5- Stop driving so fast and crashing.
6- Stop abusing our children
7- Stop bringing other peoples urine to your court ordered drug test.”
As Joe Biden would say awe “C’mon man” he is only asking for 7 different violations and crimes for people to pause for a few months.
Wonder why he did not ask for people to stop stealing from other people and stores or murder?
This is a time when we should all get together and sing Kumbaya with Joan Baez.
Sheriff Bitnar went on to write that “the overwhelming workload on all our of local law enforcement and first responders puts a huge strain on all of them”.
Now I realize the Sheriff was having some fun while he informed his county of the strain on all of the local law enforcement and first responders. He finished his post writing:
YES, I know we won't get 2 months to catch up, but one can hope.
YES, I would hope people would never do these things but there just seems to be no end.
Have a great weekend.
Respectfully Venting
Michael D, Bitnar
Chippewa County Sheriff”
I like the Sheriff’s way in which he used humor to explain the amount of stress and strain on the first responders in Chippewa County. That is why I also had a little fun with it.