Michigan Siblings Are Going To The Olympics
With the Winter Olympic Games just around the corner, it is time to meet Ice Dancing Champions the Shibutani siblings.
The adorable and incredibly talented duo, known as the Shib Sibs are set to take the National stage by storm in category of Ice Dancing. USAtoday.com stated...
"The Shib Sibs say they're right on track for the Pyeongchang Olympics."
Training and studying at the University of Michigan as helped the brother and sister team handle the demanding restraints on their time. Maia told Mochimag.com that...
"Balancing training and academic schedules can be challenging, especially when away on competitions for weeks at a time. Maia, who is completing her freshman year, credits the university’s past and present athletes for helping professors understand their absence. "
The two started skating when Maia was 4-years-old and Alex was 7-years-old but they originally were not a team. It wasn't till they went to the World Championships at a young age that they decided to try Ice Dancing and now they are on top of their game.
With the track record of incredible ice skaters that have come from Michigan, I think we are in for a treat this winter.
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