See Winter by lantern light on snowshoes or cross-country skis as Michigan State Parks plan enchanting night events.

Photo Courtesy Michigan DNR
Photo Courtesy Michigan DNR

Taking a walk in the woods on a Michigan Winter’s night, can be a tranquil experience. Now, imagine hearing to the soft crunch of snow or the gentle shush of cross-country skis as you listen for wildlife. Don't forget to look up through the pines for the stars as you travel Winter trails by the lantern's glow.

Michigan Department of Natural Resources has planned Winter events at Michigan State Parks including Porcupine Wilderness State Park where they have been doing this for 20 years. The Upper Penninsula's Van Riper State Park and Tahquamenon Falls also have regular expeditions.

There’s just something special about hiking at night in the snow. The lanterns are spaced far enough apart that you experience walking from pool of light into the dark and back into a pool of light. It’s a great experience, especially with new snowfall on the evergreens.

-Ludington State Park manager Jim Gallie

Michigan’s Lower Peninsula also has parks offering similar events, including Mattawan's Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery; a lantern-lit snowshoe walk is set for Feb. 11. Ludington State Park lights trails on select Saturdays in January and February. Check the DNR’s events schedule to find out about lantern-lit ski and snowshoe events in your area.

Try something new and experience the magic of Michigan Winter by lantern light on snowshoes or cross-country skis

Bonus Photo Gallery: Captivating photos of the unspoiled forest after the first snow.

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