When I was in 5th grade, we worried about riding our bikes, hearing our favorite songs and what was on TV tonight. We might have know about "Stop, Drop and Roll" (what to do if you had a fire in your house), but that was about it.

The Michigan State Police is offering elementary schools around the state a course for fifth graders in emergency preparedness. It teaches kids about what to do if there's a tornado, a flood or storm coming.

“Fifth-graders who participate in the STEP program learn important and potentially life-saving knowledge about emergency preparedness,” said Capt. Chris A. Kelenske, Deputy State Director of Emergency Management and Homeland Security and commander of the MSP/EMHSD. “Students then take that knowledge home and share it with family and friends, making their communities better prepared for an emergency or a disaster.”

Emergency Arrow Sign
ThinkStock; Braden Gunem

MSP says last year almost 100 schools participated in the STEP program.

MSP says the STEP program can be taught by teachers, school officials, even first responders and volunteers. But for interested schools, the deadlines is coming up on November 11th. The Application and Acceptance Form are at www.michigan.gov/step.

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