Have You Seen These 7 Films All Set in Michigan’s U.P.?
It turns out, Michigan's Upper Peninsula has acted as the setting for several different movies over the years. Now, are all of these films Oscar-winners? No. But, if you're in the mood for a casual watch, it is fun to see some landscapes that you might recognize.
Today's trip down the rabbit hole that is "movies set in Michigan's UP" was inspired by a recent post in the Facebook group PureUP where Stephanie K. posted a picture from the movie Up There.

Thanks to comments on that post, we now have an entire list of movies that were set in Michigan's U.P.:
Have You Seen These 7 Films All Set in Michigan's UP?
Aside from the setting of the Upper Peninsula, there have been several movies filmed in the mitten state. Some of those include:
- 30 Minutes or Less (Grand Rapids)
- It Follows (Detroit)
- 8 Mile (Detroit)
- The Five-Year Engagement (Ann Arbor)
- Semi-Pro (Flint)
Find a full list of movies set in Michigan on awesomemitten.com, visitdetroit.com, and freep.com.
And, if you love love stories, check out this time-travel romance set entirely on Mackinac Island:
It's not just on-screen fiction where Michigan finds itself represented. Check out this long list of Michiganders that have been on competition shows:
A Long List of People From Michigan Who Have Been on Competition Shows
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