Michiganders Worried About 2nd Wave of Coronavirus
According to the Detroit Free Press, most Michigan residents are worried about a second wave of the coronavirus and satisfied with the pace at which Governor Whitmer is restarting the economy.
So let's break down the latest poll:
57% said Michigan should wait to reopen the economy to shorten the public health crisis.
36% said Michigan should reopen the economy as soon as possible, even if it means the public health crisis will last longer and could get worse.
On the possibility of a second wave of the coronavirus in Michigan, 68% said they were concerned, while 31% said they were mostly unconcerned.
On when Michigan students should return for in person schooling, 46% said that should happen in August or September, or whenever schools normally go back.
This is what I like about polls, it's all based on public opinion and we all have one, but when it comes down to the safety of everyone, you can't be too careful.
Whitmer's announcement that she was lifting Michigan's stay at home order but keeping the state of emergency and many restrictions in place came midway through the survey.
One person in this article said we could rapidly expand the virus and not know it for two weeks. This person also said I think reopening institutions where you're going to have to sit and you're going to have to have your mask off is not wise.
I found this article to be very informative and it also makes me realize how the coronvirus pandemic has changed lives all across the world.
I truly believe that we all fear this in one way or the other and it's really important to follow all safety guidelines and to really listen to what Governor Gretchen Whitmer has to say when it comes to reopening Michigan.
This is going to be the way of life for a very long time and we simply have to adapt to all protocols and try to be patient, as we all work together to get through this difficult time.

Here are some tips for self-care during the pandemic:
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