Well apparently the politicians believed that waiting one day was enough time and some are now chiming in how they will fix people’s insanity/evil problem with new laws and more money.

I could have written what they were going to say minutes after the suspect was arrested.

The Lansing State Journal is reporting that some Lansing lawmakers are calling for state regulations for Uber drivers and more money for mental health.

By the way since we all have health insurance via the Unaffordable Care Act, Obamacare, expanded Medicaid or SCOTUScare whatever you call it, why is more mental health funding needed.  The health insurance companies can pay for it, right?  In fact why are any state or federal tax dollars going to any healthcare since we all have or are demanded to have via law, healthcare insurance.

Michigan State Senator Rick Jones R-Grand Ledge, believes that Uber should be required to register vehicles used by their drivers, and he was quoted in the article stating:

We can never completely protect society from a man that suddenly goes insane. This has been happening for centuries.

On the other side of the aisle State Senate and House Democrats, are calling for more mental health funding in the state budget that takes effect Oct. 1.

Of course because money fixes all problems right?

State Senator Curtis Hertel Jr., D-Meridian Township was quoted in the article stating:

When tragedy like this occurs there's never one piece of legislation you can point to, a sliver bullet, that would make it not happen, beyond that I think we need to make sure our background checks are better and include more of a mental health aspect to that.

People with mental health issues seem to be increasing.  Why?  What is going on?  Is it simply that there are more media outlets thus this news is more readily available or people with mental health issues are on the rise?

If people with mental health issues are on the rise, then the question is why and will money cure that problem?

Let’s talk about this today on The Live with Renk show, which airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts at (269) 441-9595.

Or please feel free to start a discussion and write your thoughts in the comment section.

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