MSU Professors Make Documentary On Vietnam Veterans
A couple of Michigan State University professors have created a documentary on Vietnam veterans that comes out on PBS in November.
Films and documentaries take a long time to make, with some more than others. MSU professors John Valadez and Carleen Hsu along with the help of MSU students have worked on this documentary since 2014 and will air on PBS on November 16.
According to FOX 17, the film is called American Exile and it is about two brothers, Manuel and Valente Valenzuela who were threatened with deportation.
The two Valenzuela brothers suggested the idea to MUS professor Valadez while he was doing a screening in Colorado. The two brothers talked about their story of being served with deportation letters because of past misdemeanors.
The two brothers served in the Vietnam war 50 years ago. In 2009 they were served with deportation letters.
Valadez, Hsu, and a group of MSU students road-tripped around the country following the two Valenzuela brothers advocating for rights for immigrants who have served in the United States armed force.
The two MSU professors went even further on their journey by leading a congressional briefing on deported veterans and even worked with Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren's legislative staff.
FOX 17 reported that on July 2, the Biden Administration answered the Valenzuela brother's prayers. Deportation of veterans was stopped and the Department of Homeland Security was required to track down those who were deported and help them and their families return to the U.S.
American Exile will air across the U.S. on PBS at 10 p.m. Tuesday, November 16. Check your local listing for your PBS station where you live.
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