Watch: Ohio State Marching Band Expertly Trolls U of M
Something that is perfectly clear to even those that don't reside in Ohio or Michigan is the fact that there is a huge rivalry between the two states. Primarily, that rivalry has to do with sports. But, overall, Michiganders seem to hate the entire state of Ohio.
That's why, with extreme caution, I write these words:
Ohio's marching band just expertly trolled the Michigan Wolverines during a game against Penn State.
That's right...Ohio wasn't even playing Michigan and still took the time to troll them.
First spotted on Tiktok, Ohio State's marching band coordinated a routine that throws the University of Michigan's team in the trash. Literally. Take a look at this clip found on Youtube:
The sport of football aside, the Ohio State Marching band has developed a reputation for being phenomenal on the field. Their routines often amaze the crowds. Like this one where it begins with what looks like an old-school game of snake before they beautifully spell out "Ohio" in a script font:
While the above-mentioned Tiktok video only recently showed up on my FYP, people have been enjoying the clip for about a month. Comments show nothing but praise and delight at the band's decision to "throw Michigan in the trash." Take a look at some of their comments:
L. wrote: The Ohio State marching band is a different breed and half of the time is better than the team.
Mikey-Angelo said: I love how they put Oscar in there just to make sure everyone knew it was a trash can.
Jordan, clearly amused, wrote: They were playing Penn State but still felt the need troll Michigan 😂
Aja Minor decided to throw out additional shade with their comment when they wrote: Ohio & Michigan beef is the best state beef. Also, Michigan residents CANNOT drive stop coming down here.

Those, right there, are fighting words. You can see all of the comments here.
It's unclear if the University of Michigan has any sort of response planned. Clearly, they also work hard on their coordinated performances, as you can see below:
But, if this becomes the new or main rivalry...it may make me actually want to watch football.
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