After Parchment Little League Was Postponed, Everyone Shared Their Old Baseball Photos
(View the full photo gallery at the bottom of this article)
A community in Kalamazoo County has decided to reminisce after the postponement of the 2020 Little League baseball season. Residents in the city of Parchment, and in other areas of Kalamazoo, have been sharing their old and new photos of little league baseball on Facebook.
Little League baseball is another, among nearly all local group activities, that has been put on hold indefinitely due to the global coronavirus pandemic.
On March 19th, Parchment Little League President Dodi Elsman Leckie published a note on her Facebook page to update everyone on the status of operations with a simple request:
I encourage everyone to post a Little League picture on Facebook along with a favorite memory about Little League.
As we get more information, we will update everyone. May 11th is our start date right now. Opening day, Pictures, Parade, schedules, we will have to figure out.
Right now, I’m just going to be thankful we have the best league around and it is all about kids.
PS.. I also encourage our high school players to post a picture of their memories from a spring sport.
The response was overwhelming. Hundreds of photos were shared in the following days, including personal and team photos, as people took a big trip down memory lane. Some of them were even from several decades ago.
So we wanted to tap into the spirit, as many of us are missing activities like baseball, and share some of these photos with you. It has been such a positive action for kids and their families in the Parchment community to reminisce while they wait to see when they can get back onto the baseball fields to play once again.
These Old & New Parchment Little League Photos Will Make You Smile