Pro-DACA Protesters Arrested For Blocking Downtown Kalamazoo Street
Eight people were arrested in Kalamazoo after they were protesting while blocking traffic at a downtown intersection.
MLive reports that the incident began as a rally in Kalamazoo’s Bronson Park Tuesday afternoon, in protest of President Donald Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA. At some point a group decided to march down Michigan Ave, and eventually they came to the intersection of Michigan and Westnedge, with some individuals forming a human chain to block traffic, causing large backups.
After several warnings from KDPS officers, the eight were eventually arrested; they were later released, and are expected to be charged with misdemeanors.
The DACA program was put in place in 2012 via an executive order, and provided some protections for those in America illegally, if they arrived before they were 16.