Religion Haters At It Again
Well, the God haters are at it again.
They do not want to be offended by chaplains on college campuses; they just want to offend those who want chaplains on college campuses.
The College Fix website is reporting that the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is behind all of this. The FFRF is an organization that wants strict separation of church and state, even though our constitution does not state that.
It is demanding public colleges dismiss their college football team chaplains, who they say hold unconstitutional sway over students.
According to the Freedom From Religion Foundation website, they suggest that universities should instead hire counselors “if student athletes are truly in need.”
They say that only 54% of college students are self-identified Christians, yet football team chaplains are always Christian and typically evangelical. FFRF then go on to say some pretty nasty things about these chaplains, saying they “prey on and pray with” students, “with no regard for the rights of those students or the Constitution.”
Really, these chaplains “prey on students” with no regard for the constitution? Do they even understand what the constitution states about the separation between church and state?
The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution states the following in regards to religion: “Prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion.”
Where in the amendment does it say that there should be no religion in public schools or any public places?
In fact, they are asking that the colleges impede the free exercise of religion. So, they are the ones not following the Constitution.
According to the article, FFRF sent letters to several college presidents demanding that the schools stop using chaplains.
One of the schools they sent a letter to was Auburn University, the school's response was, “Chaplains are common in many public institutions, including the U.S. Congress, the football team chaplain isn’t an Auburn employee, and participation in activities he leads are voluntary.”
Good for Auburn University.
Are these God haters going a bit too far?
Do you believe chaplains should not be allowed on college campuses?
Is it time for people to start pushing back against these groups?
Let’s discuss this tomorrow (Tuesday) on my show The Live with Renk show, which airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts at (269) 441-9595.
Or please feel free to start a discussion and write your thoughts in the comment section.
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