Renk Interviews Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova About Latest Hillary Email Case
Tomorrow on the Live with Renk Program I will be interviewing former US Attorney Joe DiGenova concerning the recent FBI letter to congressional members of both parties in which he stated he wanted to reopen the investigation of the Clinton email scandal and the corruption in some of the highest levels of government in the Department of Justice.
Over the weekend Mr. DiGenova was asked whether the increasingly loud drumbeat of leaks coming from within the FBI were possibly a factor in Comey’s decision to send the letter to Congress that started the latest controversy, Mr. DiGenova stated the following:
Well, he didn’t have any choice. He had to send the letter once he was confronted with the evidence of the New York investigation. If he hadn’t sent the letter, there would have been leaks out of New York and he would have been embarrassed. So, he sent the letter because he didn’t have any choice and it’s as simple as that. I mean, they were gonna leak it, and he knew it.
Joseph E. diGenova, founding partner of the Washington, D.C. law firm of diGenova & Toensing, LLP represents individuals, corporations and other entities before the Federal courts, Congress, and U.S. cabinet departments and agencies on criminal, civil, administrative and investigative matters. His practice emphasizes representation to resolve disputes with various branches of the Federal government through negotiation, litigation, and/or legislation.
DiGenova has extensive experience on Capitol Hill. He was Chief Counsel and Staff Director of the Senate Rules Committee and Counsel to the Senate Judiciary, Governmental Affairs and Select Intelligence Committees. He has conducted confirmation, investigative, legislative and oversight hearings, drafted legislation and testified before both Houses of Congress. He also served as Administrative Assistant and Legislative Director to U.S. Senator Charles Mathias.
Please join us at 9:06 to discuss the email scandal and the corruption with in the Department of Justice and the FBI.
The Live with Renk Show airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon. To let me know your thoughts during the show please call (269) 441-9595