Girl Undergoing Testosterone Treatment Wins State Wrestling Title as a Girl
When biology does not matter girls will be harmed in some way.
Yahoo news is reporting on a girl in Texas who is undergoing testosterone treatments just won a girls state championship wrestling title. In fact she went the entire season undefeated.
The one problem is this girl has been taking the male hormone testosterone during her transition from a girl to a boy. It is science that tells us testosterone is a hormone that gives boys and men the ability increase their muscle mass.
In fact the website Muscle for life states that:
Testosterone is certainly a primary hormonal driver of muscle growth. Research has shown that anabolic steroids, which drastically raise testosterone levels, given to even young, healthy men can induce muscle growth and fat loss without any exercise whatsoever.
The question is whether it was fair to the other girls in her weight class that she was able to compete as a girl when she was taking testosterone to transition to a male and a side effect of those testosterone treatments is greater muscle mass.
Now to her credit she has stated that she would rather compete against boys, but rules in Texas barred her from doing so.
An attorney of a parent on an opposing team, has filed a lawsuit against the girl arguing that her participation in girls’ wrestling puts other girls in “imminent threat of bodily harm.”
I am thinking this is going to put those women and men who are proponents of children transitioning to the opposite sex and proponents of advancing women’s rights in a pickle.
On second thought they will probably have no problem defending the opposite side of their positions.
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