Should Michigan Schools Enforce a Dress Code for Parents
Students have to abide by rules at many private and public schools, should the same standards be applied to parents on campus?
It's creating controversy in Texas, where they are enforcing the student dress code on visiting parents as well. It's not about fashion do's and don'ts and fashionistas are not concerned with style but substance. The argument is that revealing clothing can be distracting to students, but what if a parent is in the office or in the halls? James Madison High School in Houston, Texas, has just published a parental dress code for student guardians. The following are forbidden:
- Pajamas
- Slippers
- Satin cap, bonnet or shower cap
- Hair rollers
- Jeans "torn from your buttocks(behind) to all the way down showing lots of skin"
- "Leggings that are showing your bottom"
- Very low cut tops or revealing tops
- Sagging pants, shorts, or jeans
- Men wearing undershirts
- Daisy Dukes
- "Dresses that are up to your behind will not be permitted on the premises or in the building or any attire that is totally unacceptable for the school setting."
The school says the goal is not to punish parents but to teach students what is acceptable.
We want them [students] to know what is appropriate and what is not appropriate for any setting they may be in. This is a professional educational environment where we are teaching our children what is right and what is correct or not correct.
Does this seem reasonable to you? Should Michigan schools consider adopting the dress code for parents too?