Parchment Hosting Scottish Highland Games Festival September 11th
If you've got some Scotch in you or if you just appreciate the history and culture of the Scottish people, the Kalamazoo Scottish Festival & Highland Games are coming to Kindleberger Park in Parchment on September 11th for all to join and enjoy. We may still be climbing out of the pandemic, but the games and events planned for this year should be enough to give us something to look forward to. This family-friendly event is totally free and will feature everything from Highland Games, clans, food, kids games, exhibits, music, to dancing, all to preserve the history and culture of Scotland.
The festival starts at 9 a.m. on September 11th and ends at 4:00 p.m., but the fun continues across the street at The Fountains for a Ceilidh with more music and dancing and Scottish food. The Ceilidh is a ticketed event and tickets for it can be purchased by contacting the event planners at kalscotfest@gmail.com.

The History of Highland Games
The Kalamazoo Scottish Festival's website gives a detailed description of how the games started and the amazing amount of time they've been celebrated:
The first historical references to the Heavy Events were during the reign of King Malcolm III (1057-1093). The Ceres Games of Fife, Scotland, are considered the oldest, almost continuous Highland Games, beginning in 1314. The Ceres Games have been held annually for about 700 years.
The Kalamazoo Scottish Festival will be celebrating their 29th Annual Festival this year. The Festival was not held in 2019 or 2020 to rebuild and due to Covid but has re-started in 2021. 2021 is the 29th year since the festival started.