A new year is upon us, and that can mean a new beginning, or for some of us beer snobs, it means some new beers to taste. Short's Brewing in Bellaire, Michigan sends out a new beer list every quarter and the one for Winter 2022 has some interesting possibilities. In their own words, this list is a "mix of OG bangers (Double Soft Parade) and new innovations".
Soft Parade is one of Short's flagship beers. This double version clocks in at 9.3%, and is "from Joe Short’s famed Imperial Beer Series of 2007" promising two times the blueberry, raspberry, blackberry and strawberry." I don't remember Hawaiian Punch being like this. This will be out in February.
Having just written a story about snowplows and their clever names, this top of the new beer list caught my attention. Uber-Goober is an Oatmeal Stout with peanuts. It also packs a bit of a wallop at 8.2% ABV. (Side note: St. Julian Winery has a peanut butter and jelly wine. At first blush, it doesn't sound that good, but having tried it, it's intriguing. That's not me couching an opinion. It is strangely drinkable.)
I know several people who love brown ales, and here, Short's has Good Humans, a dry hopped Double Brown (8.3% for those of you scoring at home). This one is also out in February, but only in Michigan.
Finally, two March beer releases. The first one probably kept the lawyers with its name: Synalpheus Pinkfloydi (That's a trademark suit waiting to be filed.) It's a gose, which is sort of in the sour family. And another Pure Michigan branded beer, Pure Michigan Spring IPL, an India Pale Lager. (think a very hopped up lager)