Should We Continue To Borrow Money To Spend On Foreign Aid
The Trump Administration is looking to make some cuts to foreign aid and many on the left and of course those who ask for our money are not happy about it.
Politico is reporting that the requested cuts by the Administration sent to Congress in what is called a rescissions package could be as high as $4.3 billion, including $2.3 billion from USAID and $2 billion from the State Department.
Jordie Hannum, executive director of the Better World Campaign, told Politico:
They’d be sabotaging these missions and ensuring untold suffering for millions of innocent civilians who rely on the missions for protection...If we cut funds for U.N. Peacekeeping missions around the world, our country will be less safe. This is a direct threat to U.S. national security.
An Administration official stated:
The President himself has stated that we should only be sending foreign aid to those who respect us and are our friends. The United States should not be financially responsible for crop diversity in Bangladesh, purchasing solar panels in Central Asia and footing the bill for border protection in Central and South Asia—when we can’t even get Congress to secure our own borders...This administration is committed to cutting wasteful spending, which is why this rescissions package is so important and timely.
Did you know that our government officials are borrowing money on behalf of us who pay federal taxes for:
- crop diversity in Bangladesh
- diversion programs for felons in Guatemala
- funding for solar panels in Central Asia
- investments in Guatemalan agricultural technology
- and strengthening and controlling other countries’ borders in the Pacific and East, South, and Central Asia.
Yes the liberals are actually for us borrowing money to fund border control in other countries, you cannot make this insanity up.
Is it time we stop borrowing money adding to our debt to fund other countries crop diversity, diversion programs for felons and border control.
According to an Administration official the final aid package is expected to be given to Congress next week. The package and possible cuts would still need to be approved by Congress.
A Democrat controlled House will never approve any cut’s to spending unless it involved defense, border or overall security spending.
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