State Senator Bizon Pleads Guilty To Misdemeanor Assault
Back in November of 2021, I wrote about State Senator Bizon, R-Battle Creek, being accused by a nurse practitioner with Oaklawn Medical Group of inappropriately touching her during an August 14, 2021 appointment.
Currently, Senator Bizon represents Calhoun, Barry and Ionia Counties in the Michigan Senate. Senator Bison was first elected to the senate in 2018 after serving four years in the Michigan House of Representatives for Michigan's 62nd District.
The AP has reported that the nurse said that Senator Bizon:
questioned her guidance on how to treat his COVID-19 symptoms. As she talked about the recommended over-the-counter medicine, he pulled her closer, squeezed her waist with a cupping motion and told her he was an otolaryngologist, according to the police report. Bizon, who became angry when she refused to prescribe a different medication he wanted, repeatedly said he was disappointed in her and left.
The police report did state the nurse never told Senator Bizon to stop because she was shocked at what was occurring.
Yesterday in court Senator Bizon pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor assault and battery charge in District Court. When he was asked what his plea will be he stated “I am guilty of the battery”.
Senator Bizon issued a statement through his lawyer, Martin Crandall in which he stated the incident was "regrettable” and he went on to say:
As a doctor who spent decades caring for those in need, I am deeply distressed that I unintentionally caused someone to feel unsafe...I was very sick at the time of the incident and did not behave as I normally would have. Nevertheless, I take this situation very seriously and have learned from it.
His statement went on to inform us that he was “seriously ill” with COVID-19 at the time. He did end up receiving monoclonal antibody drugs, which helped him to get through his infection.
Senator Shirkey, the Republican Senate Majority Leader stated:
With this misdemeanor being addressed by the court and Sen. Bizon taking responsibility for his actions, I do not plan to take further action at this time