It’s Not As Simple As It Looks, Eh?It’s Not As Simple As It Looks, Eh?"Anybody can do that. You just open your mouth." That's pretty much how most people feel about broadcasting in general, and specifically, sports broadcasting.Dave BensonDave Benson
Watch These Old West Michigan Television Sign-offs Before You Go To BedWatch These Old West Michigan Television Sign-offs Before You Go To BedHere is a local tribute to an era in broadcasting that for the most part doesn't exist anymore.Brandon JamesBrandon James
Kalamazoo Broadcast Pioneer, Carl E. Lee Dies at 96Kalamazoo Broadcast Pioneer, Carl E. Lee Dies at 96Longtime Kalamazoo broadcaster Carl. E. Lee died this past Sunday, it was announced today. He was 96 years old.Dave BensonDave Benson