Michigan Republicans Vote To Help Michiganders, Democrats Vote Not ToMichigan Republicans Vote To Help Michiganders, Democrats Vote Not ToAlways look at how they vote not what they say.RenkRenk
Where Do Michigan Roads Rank?Where Do Michigan Roads Rank?Renk: Here’s how Reason’s study ranked Michigan’s roads with other states on a best-to-worst scale:RenkRenk
How Much Is Michigan Currently Spending On Roads?How Much Is Michigan Currently Spending On Roads?Renk: This brings us back to the record amount of tax dollars being spent on roads and bridges today which is...RenkRenk
Michigan Media Not Telling The Entire Truth About New Gas Tax ProposalMichigan Media Not Telling The Entire Truth About New Gas Tax ProposalRenk: How is anyone who consumes the news from outlets that do not explain the entire issue/proposal going to...RenkRenk
Can Michigan Fund Our ‘Damn Roads’ Without More Tax Hikes?Can Michigan Fund Our ‘Damn Roads’ Without More Tax Hikes?Renk: Well these suggestions for funding our roads with current taxes are now on the table, how will Michigan legislators respond.RenkRenk
Governor Whitmer Wants A 45 Cent Per Gallon Gas Tax IncreaseGovernor Whitmer Wants A 45 Cent Per Gallon Gas Tax IncreaseRenk: If you fill up your vehicle to the tune of 20 gallons per week this increase would cost you...RenkRenk