In 1920, a Referee in Michigan Helped Invent ‘Zebra Stripes’ and was First to Wear ThemIn 1920, a Referee in Michigan Helped Invent ‘Zebra Stripes’ and was First to Wear ThemAt this time, officials typically wore a white shirt and teams often would wear white as wellBrandon James - WBCKBrandon James - WBCK
Police in Michigan Once Staged a Fake Wedding to Bust Over 80 Drug DealersPolice in Michigan Once Staged a Fake Wedding to Bust Over 80 Drug DealersOver the years, we have heard of some creative ways that law enforcement gets a "one up" on criminals, but this one takes the cake. Well, the wedding cake I suppose. Brandon James - WBCKBrandon James - WBCK
We Think this was the Only Roller Coaster to Ever Exist in Battle CreekWe Think this was the Only Roller Coaster to Ever Exist in Battle CreekIt was in April of 1907 that an exciting new addition to the the Liberty Amusement Park on Goguac Lake was completedBrandon James - WBCKBrandon James - WBCK
Detroit Red Wings Fans Rejoice! “The Brawl” Turns 25 Years OldDetroit Red Wings Fans Rejoice! “The Brawl” Turns 25 Years OldIt's a broken record to say that this is one of the most memorable hockey fights of all timeBrandon James - WBCKBrandon James - WBCK
“Kalamazoo” was Originally a Village Along the Lake Michigan Shoreline“Kalamazoo” was Originally a Village Along the Lake Michigan ShorelineAlthough there are a few other towns named "Kalamazoo" across the nation, the one in Michigan is the most well-knownBrandon James - WBCKBrandon James - WBCK
Michigan Was Once a Truly Tropical Paradise, But No One Was Around to See itMichigan Was Once a Truly Tropical Paradise, But No One Was Around to See itThe reason? It was hundreds of millions of years ago.Brandon James - WBCKBrandon James - WBCK
Was The First Pioneer of Kalamazoo Run Out Town in the 1800s?Was The First Pioneer of Kalamazoo Run Out Town in the 1800s?Was this man disliked so much that locals ran him out of town and changed the name to Kalamazoo?Dana MarshallDana Marshall
Hey Michigan… Do You Have Any of These Fascinating Old Kellogg’s Vinyl Albums?Hey Michigan… Do You Have Any of These Fascinating Old Kellogg’s Vinyl Albums?Just take those old records off the shelf... and while you're at it, check and see if there is a Kellogg's logo slapped on the front of it. Brandon James - WBCKBrandon James - WBCKLacy JamesLacy James
First African-American Cookbook was Written by Paw Paw Woman in 1866First African-American Cookbook was Written by Paw Paw Woman in 1866A Paw Paw Michigan woman wrote and published the very first African-American cookbook in 1866.Lacy JamesLacy James
Michigan Man Shocks the World in 1964 Olympics Capturing Only USA Gold MedalMichigan Man Shocks the World in 1964 Olympics Capturing Only USA Gold MedalA Michigan man became an unlikely hero the day he set a record and took home the only gold medal for Team U.S.A.Lacy JamesLacy James