Legislation that would specifically prohibit Michigan counties and local municipalities from adopting mandatory mask requirements may be seeing some action soon.
Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette says two former lawmakers were charged Friday with felony misconduct in office, after their extramarital affair snowballed into a political scandal when one of them concocted a bizarre cover story about being caught with a male prostitute.
Surprise Surprise, what appears to be out of the blue the Michigan House of Representatives passed a $1.2 billion dollar road funding plan. Now on to the Senate it goes.
I say I am surprised because we heard nothing about them being close to a deal and surprisingly it appears there were no leaks, at least none that I heard of...
A Michigan House of Representatives panel has voted to recommend expulsion for Rep. Todd Courser and Rep. Cindy Gamrat, for misconduct and misuse of taxpayers resources, following an extra-marital affair between the two.