World's First Degree in 'Rock History' Was Awarded in IndianaWorld's First Degree in 'Rock History' Was Awarded in IndianaUncover the story of John Jackson, the ex-guitarist with a Rock and Roll History degree who now oversees music legends' catalogs!MeatballMeatball
Two Indiana Cities Named The Worst For Football FansTwo Indiana Cities Named The Worst For Football FansThis was expected as they are huge basketball fans in the Hoosier state, but I didn't expect results like this, but football is just not their sport.Da'Jzon HughesDa'Jzon Hughes
Man Claims He Was Abducted by Aliens in La Porte, IndianaMan Claims He Was Abducted by Aliens in La Porte, IndianaAn Indiana University student thought he was being pulled over by police but it turned out to be aliens.Dana MarshallDana Marshall
Former Bronco QB Leads Pack of Midwest College Football XFL PlayeFormer Bronco QB Leads Pack of Midwest College Football XFL PlayeEleby was one of two Broncos picked and they weren't the only players from the midwest.Da'Jzon HughesDa'Jzon Hughes
College Football Fans Misspell IndianaCollege Football Fans Misspell IndianaI'm not sure where "Indinia" is or how they came to the conclusion that this spelling was correct, maybe they know something we don't know.Da'Jzon HughesDa'Jzon Hughes