Michigan has had many debates over the generations regarding the differences and similarities behind the Upper and Lower Peninsula. Perhaps some of the biggest differences between these two peninsulas are due to the changing seasons. With both parts of Michigan having vastly different qualities, what makes each have their own special summer?
For many people there is a running joke about the U.P. being a part of Canada or Wisconsin, but what many people don’t know about upstate Michigan is that the tip of the Peninsula is actually an island. While both Peninsulas are home to thousands of islands, this northernmost point of Michigan might be home to the biggest hidden island of them all.
There's almost nothing leisurely about heading out into the open waters of Lake Superior as this man who attempted to Jet Ski to Isle Royale found out the hard way.
Efforts to restore the wolf population at Isle Royale National Park have suffered another blow. The lone male wolf relocated from Minnesota died of unknown causes.