5 Myths About The Great Lakes Only Non-Michiganders Believe5 Myths About The Great Lakes Only Non-Michiganders BelieveThese are among the most common misconceptions about the Great Lakes that most non-Michigan residents actually believe.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Are Spy Balloons Back, and Will They Fly over Michigan Again?Are Spy Balloons Back, and Will They Fly over Michigan Again?It's possible, I guess.MeatballMeatball
Can You Guess Which Great Lake has the Most Shipwrecks?Can You Guess Which Great Lake has the Most Shipwrecks?The correct answer might not even be your second guess!MeatballMeatball
Confirmed: Great Lakes Setting Record Low For Ice CoverageConfirmed: Great Lakes Setting Record Low For Ice CoverageIt's never been this low.MeatballMeatball
It Takes HOW LONG For Water To Flow Through Lake Michigan?It Takes HOW LONG For Water To Flow Through Lake Michigan?Lake Michigan is seriously unique in a TON of ways from the other Great Lakes.MeatballMeatball
Register Now To Be The Next Lighthouse Keeper In MichiganRegister Now To Be The Next Lighthouse Keeper In MichiganSounds like a dream, right?MeatballMeatball
Michigan's Deepest Inland Lake is Still Deeper Than Lake ErieMichigan's Deepest Inland Lake is Still Deeper Than Lake ErieSo, should it be considered a Great Lake, too?MeatballMeatball
Here's How Many UFO Sightings Michiganders Reported In 2023Here's How Many UFO Sightings Michiganders Reported In 2023The number of UFO/UAP sightings in Michigan increased for 2023 as compared to 2022.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Great Lakes Ice at Historically Low NumbersGreat Lakes Ice at Historically Low NumbersIt's not looking good, thanks to El Nino.MeatballMeatball
Michigan is Home to 3 of the 5 Strangest Lakes in the U.S.Michigan is Home to 3 of the 5 Strangest Lakes in the U.S.We knew we were strange, but not THIS strange!MeatballMeatball