Dead Ducks, Birds Found on Lake Michigan Shore Amid OutbreakDead Ducks, Birds Found on Lake Michigan Shore Amid OutbreakWhat more can Michiganders do to protect their families from the bird flu outbreak?Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Michigan Dog Owner Risks Life To Save Her Dog That Fell Through Lake Michigan IceMichigan Dog Owner Risks Life To Save Her Dog That Fell Through Lake Michigan IceOn Saturday a Grand Haven woman was walking her dog when it fell through the Lake Michigan ice. Big Joe PeshBig Joe Pesh
Life-Saving Advice Every Michigan Tourist Needs This WinterLife-Saving Advice Every Michigan Tourist Needs This WinterEven locals need a reminder this season.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Unusual Ice Formations Baffle Visitors on Lake Michigan's ShoresUnusual Ice Formations Baffle Visitors on Lake Michigan's ShoresThat's how you KNOW it's cold.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
What Happened to The Great Lakes’ ‘Holy Grail’ Of Shipwrecks?What Happened to The Great Lakes’ ‘Holy Grail’ Of Shipwrecks?Delve into the mystery of the lost Le Griffon ship and its elusive treasures, captivating explorers for centuries.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
U.S Coast Guard Saves 3 Stranded Boaters In Lake MichiganU.S Coast Guard Saves 3 Stranded Boaters In Lake MichiganThe Coast Guard received a call about a 25-foot boat that had lost its steering and was 2 nautical miles North of Manistee Harbor.Da'Jzon HughesDa'Jzon Hughes
Jaw Dropping Sand Pillars Are Forming on Lake Michigan ShoresJaw Dropping Sand Pillars Are Forming on Lake Michigan ShoresBizarre sand formations are appearing on the shores of Lake Michigan.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
11 Fruits You May, or May Not Know Grow in Michigan's Fruit Belt11 Fruits You May, or May Not Know Grow in Michigan's Fruit BeltSome Michigan Fruits I knew about, but others I was completely unaware grew here.MeatballMeatball
Debunking Growing Popular Myths About MichiganDebunking Growing Popular Myths About MichiganSome of these are urban legends, others are mysterious sightings that we still haven’t solved yet, while others or local legends passed down.Mark FrankhouseMark Frankhouse
Is Restarting Michigan's Palisades Plant a 'Nuclear Zombie?'Is Restarting Michigan's Palisades Plant a 'Nuclear Zombie?'Some claim that restarting the 50-year-old nuclear reactor could cause major issues in west Michigan, and on Lake Michigan.MeatballMeatball