Eerie Beauty Lies at the Bottom of This Sinkhole in Otsego County, MichiganEerie Beauty Lies at the Bottom of This Sinkhole in Otsego County, MichiganTake a look at the article and some pictures of this sinkhole named 'Lost Lake'.....John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Midland's Dow Gardens Is Home To America's Longest Canopy WalkMidland's Dow Gardens Is Home To America's Longest Canopy WalkThe Dow Gardens Located in Midland, Michigan has over 3 miles of pathways and even has a canopy walk path that is the longest in the country at 1400 feet long. Da'Jzon HughesDa'Jzon Hughes
The Lake That Appears…and Disappears: Presque Isle County, MichiganThe Lake That Appears…and Disappears: Presque Isle County, MichiganTourists are welcome to visit here, but advise you walk with caution. Have a look...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
More Images of the “Alien-esque” Bottom of Michigan’s Middle Island SinkholeMore Images of the “Alien-esque” Bottom of Michigan’s Middle Island SinkholeHere are more photos of some of the truly weird formations and growths in this Lake Huron sinkhole...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
One of North America’s Most Iconic Birds Population Soars in MichiganOne of North America’s Most Iconic Birds Population Soars in MichiganBald Eagle numbers have risen across the state of Michigan. Cadillac JackCadillac Jack