
Elementary School, Trump and a Tombstone
Elementary School, Trump and a Tombstone
Elementary School, Trump and a Tombstone
Today on my show someone and called in and spoke about what he thought was the fact that public schools attempt to brainwash our children in their extreme liberal ways. I am sure there were 1000’s of people who believed he was a conspiracy theorist...
Why Do We Need So Many Substitute Teachers in Michigan?
Why Do We Need So Many Substitute Teachers in Michigan?
Why Do We Need So Many Substitute Teachers in Michigan?
I have been reporting for a couple of years now on what many in the educational business is citing as a substitute teacher shortage. Our legislature has been attempting to address this issue through laws which would make it easier for retired teachers to become substitute teachers on a temporary basis without affecting their social security or pension...
We Have A Teacher Shortage
We Have A Teacher Shortage
We Have A Teacher Shortage
Did you know there is a teacher shortage in Michigan? I did not.  These bills sound like a pretty good temporary solution to this problem. According to an article in the Detroit Free Press Michigan lawmakers are working on legislation that would help elevate that problem...

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