Can You Guess Which Great Lake has the Most Shipwrecks?Can You Guess Which Great Lake has the Most Shipwrecks?The correct answer might not even be your second guess!MeatballMeatball
Confirmed: Great Lakes Setting Record Low For Ice CoverageConfirmed: Great Lakes Setting Record Low For Ice CoverageIt's never been this low.MeatballMeatball
It Takes HOW LONG For Water To Flow Through Lake Michigan?It Takes HOW LONG For Water To Flow Through Lake Michigan?Lake Michigan is seriously unique in a TON of ways from the other Great Lakes.MeatballMeatball
Michigan's Deepest Inland Lake is Still Deeper Than Lake ErieMichigan's Deepest Inland Lake is Still Deeper Than Lake ErieSo, should it be considered a Great Lake, too?MeatballMeatball
Experts: Eat This Fish Before It Reaches Lake MichiganExperts: Eat This Fish Before It Reaches Lake MichiganConservationists are now asking people to eat this invasive species before it reaches Lake Michigan.MeatballMeatball
Snow Removal Companies in Michigan Are Struggling With No WinterSnow Removal Companies in Michigan Are Struggling With No WinterNo snow, no plow, and the companies are feeling it.MeatballMeatball
Great Lakes Ice at Historically Low NumbersGreat Lakes Ice at Historically Low NumbersIt's not looking good, thanks to El Nino.MeatballMeatball
Will Michigan See A Heavy Lake Effect Snow Event In JanuaryWill Michigan See A Heavy Lake Effect Snow Event In JanuaryDon't put away your winter gear just yet - significant snowfall in the Great Lakes region may still be a few weeks away.Eric MeierEric Meier
Gordon Lightfoot's Biggest Hit Inspired An Irish Rebellion SongGordon Lightfoot's Biggest Hit Inspired An Irish Rebellion Song'The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald' tune was the basis for this well-known Irish Rebel CryMeatballMeatball
BEWARE: Feral Goldfish In Danger Of Invading The Great LakesBEWARE: Feral Goldfish In Danger Of Invading The Great LakesThese things get HUGE!MeatballMeatball