Ten ‘Jeopardy’ Questions About Battle Creek’s Cereal Heritage
If you've lived in the Cereal City for any length of time, you will ace these 10 questions asked on 'Jeopardy' about Kellogg, Post and Battle Creek.
Alex Trebek has asked 21 questions so far on the game show 'Jeopardy,' whose answers have to do with Battle Creek. Questions about how the city got its name, Sojourner Truth, Seventh Day Adventists and breakfast food founders. See how well you score on these ten having to do with what Battle Creek is most famous for: the cereal industry.
There is $8,500 up for grabs, including a $3,000 Daily Double that is easy for anyone from "The Creek." Good luck, and don't forget to put your answer in the form of a question, then, scroll down for the answers.
Jeopardy: Battle Creek

Jeopardy's "Battle Creek" Answers
1) What is "Michigan"
2) What is "Battle Creek, Michigan"
3) What is "Battle Creek"
4) What is "Kellogg"
5) What is "Battle Creek, Michigan"
6) What is "Kellogg"
7) Who is "Kellogg"
8) What is "Battle Creek"
9) What is "Battle Creek, Michigan"
10) What is "Battle Creek"
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