The Domes Are Back At Bell’s Eccentric Cafe
The domes which allow people to enjoy the beer garden at Bell's in the winter are back in action. Bell's made the announcement recently on their Facebook page, while also offering a kind PSA in regards to their return:
PSA 📣 The Domes are coming back on December 21st and all you need to do is follow these simple rules.
1. Be cool. Domes are first come, first served, and open to all…for FREE. Grab any seat you find and get to know the fellow dome-goers around you. That’s what #craftbeer is all about.
2. Be thirsty (and hungry). All service is through the bar, so come on inside and say hi to your bartenders before venturing back out into the tundra.
3. Be respectful. Please, no smoking or vaping of any kind in the domes, and please don’t tamper with the lights or heaters.Thank you in advance for treating the domes (and your fellow dome-goers) with respect.

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