The Kalamazoo promise was implemented in 2006 which provides a 4 year scholarship (a bachelor degree or 130 credits, whichever occurs first) to students who have attended all of their high school years (9-12) in Kalamazoo Public Schools, (enrollment & residency) and have graduated from KPS (Central / Loy Norrix/ Phoenix). The very first kids who entered Kindergarten while this was established back in 06', are now the first of their group to graduate high school at Loy Norrix.

I think this is a pretty special thing considering college is so vital to establishing a good career, yet is the one thing that holds you down in terms of the debt it puts you in; Something I'm personally still recovering from. Many of the students told WWMT how much they value having something that takes care of their education:

Senior Emma Knuston- Having the promise is a huge inspiration and a huge motivator.
Senior Justin Timmerman- The promise has kept me motivated in school because whenever I think about it. It's like these people are giving me money to succeed. [Without the promise] I would definitely have to rethink what college I want to go or would have to rethink if college is for me. I'm very lucky and very thankful to all the Kalamazoo donors.


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