The Most Common Last Names In Calhoun County
It's always interesting to take a look at the genealogy of a specific region, and the results for Calhoun County do not disappoint.
The website forebears.io has a TON of information for states, counties, townships and more! Here's a list of the top last names in Calhoun County:
1. Smith
2. Miller
3. Johnson
4. Brown
5. Jones
6. Williams
7. Davis
8. Wilson
9. Clark
10. Moore
11. Taylor
12. Hall
13. Robinson
14. Green
15. White
16. Thompson
17. Harris
18. Lewis
19. Thomas
20. Martin
21. Anderson
22. Jackson
23. Allen
24. Cook
25. Young
26. Campbell
27. Hill
28. Baker
29. King
30. Nelson
30. Evans
30. Collins
33. Wright
34. Walker
35. Morgan
36. Parker
36. Cole
38. Howard
39. Reed
40. Adams
41. Phillips
42. Bailey
43. Morris
43. Hayes
45. Wood
45. Myers
47. Barnes
48. Edwards
49. Woods
50. Roberts
So there you have it! Is your name on this list? For one, I was surprised at the lack of Continental European names, seeing as Michigan has strong ties to Scandinavia and the like. Maybe we're just not northerly enough!
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