This is How Much of the Sun Will be Eclipsed in Kalamazoo During 2017 Solar Eclipse
The 2017 Solar Eclipse is just days away. This is how much of the sun will be covered by the moon in Kalamazoo.
Time Magazine created a form that shows the solar eclipse will look at every location around America. Plugging in Kalamazoo, shows that nearly 90 percent of the sun will appear covered from our vantage point and will hit peak at 2:22pm.
The moon begins its pass between us and the sun at exactly 1:00. It will take about an hour for the sky to significantly darken with the peak darkness just after 2:20. The moon's path moves fully out of the sun at around 3:40.
After that time, it's time to look forward to 2024 and another solar eclipse that will pass over North America and bring a portion of Michigan into totality.
2017 eclipse in Kalamazoo