This St. Joe Church Has the Most Adorable Yearly Tradition
Stop the presses! Hold the phone! If you're driving, why are you even reading this in the first place put the phone down and pull over because...this will be the most adorable thing you see today.
Apparently, at Zion St. Joe United Church of Christ, there's an annual tradition. Or perhaps a tradition of observing a specific event would be a better description. They've deemed it the "Running of the Ducks"...
According to their post, every year for the past several years, this mother duck has laid her eggs in their courtyard. It's a secluded spot so, it's perfect for protecting eggs until they hatch.
Just yesterday (5/8/22), Zion St. Joe shared the above video leading Mama Duck and her 14 babies back outside to enjoy their lives. What a beautiful week to do it. And, what an adorable video to share! Did anyone else squeal when you say the babies pitter-pattering their feet across the carpet? Just me?
Mama Duck is expected to return next year to continue the tradition.
Is This Normal for Ducks?
According to, which feels like a good source for duck-related facts, it's very typical for female ducks to return to a former nesting area to lay more eggs. Specifically, it reads,
As many at 75 percent of adult female canvasbacks return to their breeding area each year, often nesting in the same pothole where they nested the previous year.
How lucky is Zion St. Joe United Church of Christ that they get to experience this every year?
You can read more about ducks and find some facts about Geese too at
While we're on the subject of animals, did you know that you could legally own a sloth in Michigan? See the rest of the list of animals that are legal to own below: