Three Rivers Area Veterans Need Your Help
The American Legion Post 170 in Three Rivers, Michigan is trying to raise funds to keep their Post active. This building is used by Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Marine Corps League, American Legion Auxiliary and the World War II Veterans Association. The good men who have served our country are now asking for our help. They are not asking to be repaid for their service, they are asking for help paying the bills. This includes keeping the lights on, the building heated and all of the financial aspects that go into Three River's American Legion Post 170. As it stands, they owe $15,000.
It is not just a place for where "old timers" gather. It is a group that actively tries to support one another and their community.
Here are a few highlights of the ways The American Legion has contributed:
- On Aug. 9, 1921, a Legion-led effort resulted in the creation of the U.S. Veterans Bureau, which later became the Veterans Administration.
- The purpose of the VFW is to speed rehabilitation of the nation's disabled and needy veterans, assist veterans' widows and orphans and the dependents of needy or disabled veterans, and constructive service to local communities.
- The American Legion donated $1 million to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund for construction of the Wall in Washington, becoming the largest single contributor to the project.
- The American Legion provides free, professional assistance -- for any veteran -- in filing and pursuing benefits claims before the Department of Veterans Affairs.
- And locally, they help area veterans who need help paying utilities as well as other forms of assistance.
So how did members of the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization find themselves in this position?... Membership is down. Members are dying. Younger veterans from more current conflicts are not joining. Maybe they are busy working and raising families. Perhaps they do not realize the benefit of being a member.
You can help by donating HERE or if you are a veteran, consider speaking with a current member of your local post.
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