Time To Learn About The New Michigan Auto Insurance Laws
Is this really happening? After all these years of having the safest, or among the safest, drivers in the country but having the highest insurance premiums? It sure looks like it! The law has been passed and is ready to be implemented. The question is: do you understand what it's really about and how it will affect you?
According to fox17online.com, Michigan's top insurance regulator says the state is committed to educating drivers about a new law that will let motorists save money by foregoing unlimited medical coverage for crash injuries. The state Department of Insurance and Financial Services has created a consumer hotline and email address to respond to questions and complaints. There also is a website with information about the changes, which take effect in July. Department director Anita Fox detailed the resources, including forms drivers will fill out when they buy a policy, on Tuesday. The law is the most significant rewrite of Michigan's no-fault insurance in decades. Click HERE to get the information from D.I.F.S.