Win McNamee - Getty Images
Win McNamee - Getty Images

The white woman who peddled herself as black all the way to the leadership of Spokane’s NAACP has resigned as the scandal continues to burn up Twitter and the nations morbid curiosity. One commentator, a black man on CNN, said Rachel Dolezal must have ‘mental’ issues to parade around pretending to be black when she is from Montana and from German and Czech parents.

The big news is NBC has landed the exclusive interviews with Dolezal to begin tomorrow on Today with Matt Lauer and it goes from there. NBC made the announcement Monday on Twitter that Dolezal will appear live in-studio on Tuesday.

According to Variety; Following her interview with Matt Lauer on “Today,” Dolezal will also give separate interviews with NBC News and MSNBC, sitting down with Savannah Guthrie on “NBC Nightly News” and Melissa Harris-Perry for MSNBC and NBCBLK,’s African-American vertical.

Dolezal’s estranged parents appeared on “Today” Monday morning, explaining that they didn’t seek out their daughter, but rather, were approached by a newspaper. “Somehow, they got wind of us as her parents as a possibility and so they contacted us to see if we were in fact her parents.”

I guarantee she is called BRAVE by MSNBC and courageous by Savannah Guthrie.

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