Watch Highlights From Last Night’s Second Presidential Debate
Sunday night's debate was a looser, more free-flowing affair than the initial meeting between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Early in the evening Trump, as he had said he would, brought up former President Bill Clinton's affairs and alleged sexual abuse of women. He did so in an attempt to shift attention away from the video released Friday of Trump in 2005 discussing how he behaves with women in disturbing terms. Trump tried to dismiss what he said as "locker room talk" that did not reflect the real man. Clinton countered by saying that the private recording "represents exactly who he is."
The matchup covered multiple areas of national concern, including health care, potential Supreme Court appointments, America's role in the Middle East, relations with Russia and Vladimir Putin, and more. Trump spent a good amount of time criticizing Clinton over how she handled her email while she was Secretary of State.
The evening ended on a lighter note, with the final audience question asking each candidate to say something that they admire about the other. Clinton said she respected Trump's children, while Trump said Clinton was a fighter who never gave up.
A CNN poll taken immediately after the debate showed that 57 percent though Clinton "won" the debate, against 34 percent for Trump:
The third and final debate will be held next Wednesday, October 19, at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas.
If you missed the debate, you can watch the whole thing here:
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