Tuesday is Election Day in Kalamazoo; Does Anyone Care?
You might just roll your eyes, or shrug, or even wince. Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021 is Election Day in Michigan, and more specifically, in Kalamazoo.
And there, my friends, is the problem. We've heard so many lies, been subjected to so much cow doodoo, we've dealt with so much in the past two years, that it's just easier to slide our heads under the covers and tell the world to go away. And maybe this is just me, but it doesn't appear there's even a light at the end of the tunnel. (I will spare you the reference to the speeding train.)
Locally, there are city elections in Kalamazoo and Portage and smaller cities in the area, and plenty of school elections, as in Calhoun County.
In Portage, there's not much contested. The mayor and full council seats are uncontested, and the partial term is the only one in question.
Kalamazoo is a little more interesting. Two people running for mayor. Eight people running for four city commission seats. Some names sound familiar, but nobody is an incumbent for the Commission seats.
Around Kalamazoo County there are some millages and various tax proposals. Not that it ever was, but it's not easy getting a tax hike past the voters these days.
Polls are open 7am-8pm, and you ought to bring a driver's license or some form of ID - at least a bill with your address that says you live here.
You probably haven't heard much about this election, because, social media has splintered the audience, and focus groups show executives you don't care much for this, so it's really up to you to do your home work. I hope you do. It's only our future that is at stake.
Here's something, too, that bugged me. There's something called the Michigan Voter Information Center. But if you to its site, it asks for a lot of personal information and it really put me off.

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