US And State Tax Deadlines Are Today
Today is the tax filing deadline for the federal government through the IRS, and for the State of Michigan through the State Treasury Department. The City of Battle Creek recently decided to extend its filing deadline a little farther out, to June 1st. It’s been a confusing period of time with most local units of government that impose an income tax, had to adjust once the IRS extended its deadline. The big factor there is you need your federal return data in order to complete the state and local returns. The City of Detroit though decided to stick with today’s deadline to match the federal and state dates.

Most filing observers agree that if you have plans to spend any refund very soon, you might want to put that plan on hold. Lots of people around the country are realizing that quick returns are indeed happening for some, but not for others.
One factor that seems to be coming into play with delayed refunds is when people have claimed the Recovery Rebate Credit. The IRS web page dedicated to the credit points out, “If you didn't get a first and second Economic Impact Payment or got less than the full amounts, you may be eligible to claim the 2020 Recovery Rebate Credit and must file a 2020 tax return even if you don't usually file a tax return.”
But oddly enough, a lack of printers is also one of the reasons why many returns have not been processed. The IRS sort of hid the information in a recent information release, mentioning that new printers expected to be delivered by a new supplier did not arrive when expected at several processing centers.
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