Video Released of Whale Jumping Onto Boat, Causing it to Capsize
In a season that's featured plenty of strange sea life stories, you might remember one of the first incidents way back at the end of spring with a whale vs. boat accident off the Seaside Park coast in New Jersey.
It happened back on June 8th (which feels like a lifetime ago) when a whale slammed into a fishing boat, causing it to capsize and throwing the occupants into the water.
At the time, we saw photos of the aftermath, with the boat beached on the Seaside Park sand:
Now for what lead to that...
The video is grainy, but you definitely don't need super high definition quality video to see how bad it looked.
Check it out:
Thankfully, the people on the boat were okay, and the whale (likely a humpback) was seen swimming away.
It was definitely a stunning story, and now we've gotten an even better idea of just how shocking the whole thing was thanks to the video from officials in Seaside Park.
Considering that adult humpback whales can weigh nearly as much as three school buses, it's a miracle that the boat wasn't smashed to splinters.
It's equally miraculous that nobody was seriously injured (or worse.)
Amazingly, this isn't the only whale vs. boat incident that's happened in the last few months. There was another uncomfortably close encountered in the waters just off of Sea Isle in July.
We've also had hungry sharks devouring a dolphin only feet off of a Long Beach Island beach, a beached whale in Spring Lake, and even possible shark sightings in a nearby river.
Somehow, 2020 keeps one-upping itself when it comes to weird.
KEEP READING: See how animals around the world are responding to COVID-19
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