Want a Tesla? You’ll Have to Travel Outside of Michigan
Every time I see a Tesla on the road I can't help myself. The words, "oooo faancy!" always escape my lips. They're nice looking cars, to be sure. Just a little out of my price range. But, if you're in the market it looks like you'll have to travel outside of Michigan to acquire one thanks to a revision to a Michigan bill.
As reported by Road Show by Cnet, Tesla has lost it's protection allowing the company to sell directly to customers in the state of Michigan. Mark this under the long list of laws I didn't know actually existed. It never occurred to me that companies would be restricted from selling their products, but here we are.
Previously, in January of this year Tesla was "grandfathered in" to Michigan's dealership franchise laws which prevent companies from selling cars directly to consumers. A decision that would still exclude other startups from being grandfathered in. Basically, Tesla was the exception. That bill would also, "prohibit these companies from directly or indirectly owning a vehicle repair or service center, as part of current franchise laws." Until yesterday.
Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted in favor of revising and passing a final bill that, "explicitly bans all automakers from the practice.". That means Tesla is right back where they started. A decision that, I'm sure, will lead to a few lawsuits.
For now, if you'd like to purchase a Tesla you'll have to travel outside of Michigan to either pick it up or have the car delivered to you. You can find more details on Tesla's website.

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