Watch As Cooperstown Welcomes Kalamazoo’s Derek Jeter to the HOF
It seems like forever ago, but after 18 month since his election, the day finally arrived. Kalamazoo's Derek Jeter was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame today. The Class of 2020, delayed by Covid, is got its due Wednesday afternoon. Along with Jeter, entering the Hall will be catcher Ted Simmons, outfielder Larry Walker and posthumously, baseball players' union leader Marvin Miller.
(Updated: In his induction speech, Jeter talked about how his family would play baseball, with Derek hitting, dad pitching and mom and sister Sharlee shagging flies. He gave some love to Kalamazoo and Kalamazoo Central, specifically. Sitting right behind the Jeter family were Michael Jordan and Patrick Ewing. Afterwards, the MLB Channel announcers credited the talk and being a testament to great parenting.)
The ceremony will be televised on MLB Channel, and also simulcast on MLB.com, at 1:30p.
Here is one statistic that nails why "The Captain" is going into the Hall of Fame today. "No player in Major League Baseball history has played more games, scored more runs or collected more hits -- during an era in which his team made the playoffs every year -- than Jeter," according to MLB.com. Jeter was the leader, the captain, of an incomparable team of players, and lead he did.
What maybe stands out more was that he was a class act. The New York tabloids covered the social life, but there were no scandals, nothing to embarrassed about. Many use the word "dignity". Through his Turn 2 Foundation, he has given back, including funding a project at Kalamazoo Central to upgrade the baseball and softball facilities at the school. And now, he's raising a family and running the Miami Marlins.
ESPN is celebrating his career with a look back at some of the best plays he made, and most would say it was "The Flip."
In a display case for Jeter at the Hall, there is one item that may be more important than others to local Jeter fans. In the case is a maroon KC hat, from Jeter's day as a Maroon Giant, at Kalamazoo Central. There will be a lot of proud fans in Kalamazoo, saying "remember when".