Watch Military Dad Surprise Son With Down Syndrome and Try Not to Cry
Getting through this without your eyes welling up is virtually impossible.
Sergeant John Grieten pulled off the surprise of his kids' lives when he shocked them by showing up at their schools after spending six months in the Middle East with the Delaware National Guard.
Grieten first made the day for his son, 15-year-old Joshua, who has Down syndrome, when he walked into Newark High School to greet him. It absolutely floored Joshua, who was over the moon to see his dad and even made sure to introduce him to everyone in the room.
Still not tearing up?
You will now because Grieten had another surprise up his sleeve when he went to Downer Elementary School to see his daughter, Jessica, 11, who howled with pure delight when she realized her daddy was there.
As you can imagine, Griten was elated to be reunited with his children. "There’s no comparison,” he said. “I’ve been Skyping with them for six months, but there’s nothing like re-establishing the physical bond between parent and child."
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