Watch the First Night of the Democratic National Convention Here
The 2016 Democratic National Convention kicks off in Philadelphia Monday night. The convention culminates on Thursday with the expected official announcement of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Party nominee for president.
The theme of Monday night is "United Together," exemplified by the scheduled remarks by Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Clinton's chief rival in the Democratic primary. The closing speaker for the evening will be First Lady Michelle Obama.
Here's a list of the night's featured speakers:
Pam Livengood
Pam and her family of Keene, N.H., have been personally affected by the growing substance abuse epidemic and are guardians for their grandson because of their daughter’s struggle with addiction. Pam raised the issue with Hillary while participating at a round-table during the first trip to New Hampshire.
Karla & Francisca Ortiz
Karla is an American citizen from Las Vegas, NV but her parents, including her mother, Francisca, are undocumented and live in fear of deportation. Karla met Hillary Clinton in Nevada and was featured in the campaign ad, Brave.
Anastasia Somoza
Anastasia of New York, N.Y., along with her twin sister, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and spastic quadriplegia when she was born and is an advocate for Americans with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Anastasia interned for Hillary Clinton in her U.S. Senate office and on the 2000 campaign for senate. Anastasia first met President Bill Clinton in 1993 at a town hall meeting for kids.
DREAMer Astrid Silva
Senator Bernie Sanders
First Lady Michelle Obama
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