Weekly Covid-19 Cases Are Going Down In All But 1 Michigan Region
Covid-19 is increasing every week in 1 region and it's not near Detroit.
(The following info updated April 23rd) Michigan has seen an increase in new Covid-19 cases 3 days in row. However, all regions but 1 have seen a decrease over at least the last week. That region is West Michigan (region 6 in the map above.) The region that contains Kent, Ottawa, Muskegon and Ionia counties has experienced an increase in Covid-19 cases for the last 7 weeks straight. Meanwhile, the 3 regions with the highest overall cases (regions 1, 2N and 2S) have seen substantial decreases 3 weeks in a row. That is very encouraging news.
This week Region 5, which contains Kalamazoo and Calhoun counties, saw it's first weekly decrease since the pandemic began. That's not enough to call it a trend but it is a positive indication.
Most local and state governments want to see new cases decrease for 14 straight days before they can claim light at the end of the tunnel. We're not quite there yet. However, we are seeing the first signs of hope. Below are graphs provided by Michigan.gov that show daily cases for the state of Michigan and each region.